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  6 Ways Reliable English Tutors Help You Speak English Confidently

Have you caught yourself stopping while speaking in the middle of a sentence because you’re not confident with some English words? Do you limit yourself to meeting other people because you’re shy of your English speaking skills? You have to turn this shyness into one of your strengths and do more than you might expect!

You can do many things with English skills, from studying abroad, living in another country, and even meeting friends or a potential romantic partner. Yes, English is not more valuable than other languages, but economically speaking, many people can speak English, from Asia to North America.

If you’re practical, studying English with an O level English tutor is a wise decision because it is the key to be more assured of how you speak in front of many people. It’s better to start learning English at a young age, so if you have a son or daughter, tell them how learning English can open them to more opportunities.

Furthermore, let this article show you how a good English tutor for PSLE or Primary School Leaving Examination can help jumpstart your child’s future career.

How English Tutors Can Help You Speak English Confidently

Malay, Tamil, Mandarin, and English are all equally essential in Singaporean Society. There’s no language more important than other languages. It only boils down to the number of people who speak the language and the economic impact on the world. English happens to be the language of the most powerful countries, so expect that most institutions, governments and organisations will prioritise English.

Keep in mind that even if you encourage your child to learn English, it’s still valid to celebrate your mother tongue. This way, you can be confident using both languages.

Allow this section to share how a qualified O level English tutor can help you or your child speak English more confidently.

1) Organised Tutors

When your children attend an O level English tuition class, expect to learn many lessons as they progress through their sessions. There is a level in learning English, from beginners, intermediate and advanced. The tutor should not teach advanced lessons before teaching beginner lessons. If this happens, the student will feel more confused!

Hence, the O level English tutor should have an organisation when teaching students. The tutor should start with easy lessons before progressing to more advanced studies. In doing so, the students will notice their progress along with the sessions. At the end of the classes, the students should see improvements to make them feel more confident.

2) Inclusive Attitude

Every student has weaknesses and strengths when it comes to language learning. Some students may learn faster than others. But it doesn’t mean that the tutor should discriminate against the students.  The road to confidently speaking English is not about the skills but the encouragement a student receives to improve day by day.

So, when planning to enrol in a PSLE English tuition, ensure that the tutor is inclusive to all students. This way, the students can trust themselves to improve their English skills. After all, language is not a measurement of intelligence. Language is for everyone willing to learn. That’s why it’s better to be inclusive because it encourages students to do better every day.

3) Understanding and Listening Ability

Not all students will go to class with a happy disposition. There are many hindrances a student may encounter while attending an O level English tuition. There are issues like lack of financial resources, lack of support, or even bullying. A reliable O-level English tutor should understand and listen to know more about the students.

Since some children can’t express themselves with words, it’s helpful if the teachers know how to read between the lines. This way, they can also support the students on their learning progress. Therefore, you can bring out their potential by speaking English! Sometimes a student only needs a person who believes them to discover their true potential.

4) Sense of Humour

Sometimes the O level English tuition can get a bit stressful for the students. If the sessions are becoming too serious, it’s helpful to have some fun from time to time. A tutor should make the students laugh and enjoy letting go of the pressure from learning English. As you can see, the best way to learn is to enjoy what you’re learning.

The O level English tutor should know when to make the students feel comfortable with the sense of humour during the class.   It feels good to laugh while learning English because the student can feel more relaxed. By the end of the session, the students should have a memorable experience of their English learning journey as it can help them speak with more confidence.

5) Provides Feedback

A good English tutor for PSLE and O level English tuition should also provide feedback to the students. If they do, it means the tutor has a concern about the progress of their students. But it does not mean that the tutor should give feedback that can shatter a student’s confidence. A tutor should know how to provide constructive criticism so the students can improve.

With the feedback, the student would know the areas of improvement. This way, they can practice it every day, including the pronunciation, grammar, and context clues. So, before they move to the next session, they gain more confidence little by little.

6) Develops Friendly Relationships

Finally, a tutor should know how to develop a friendly relationship with the student even after the class. A good English tutor for PSLE and O level English tuition should put an extra effort into guiding their students. In doing so, the tutor can guide whenever they have questions, even outside the sessions.

 Achieving a Confident English Speaking Skills

For some, speaking in front of a random person is nerve-wracking; what more with English! However, learning English is achievable because of reliable English tutors.

Fortunately, you can find a good English tutor for PSLE and an O level English tutor at Writers Studio. They can help you feel more comfortable speaking English words, so visit their website and know more about PSLE English tuition and O level English tuition today.

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