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  A Patient’s Guide: All You Need To Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

 Like feet, hands are the next body part that most people take for granted in their daily lives. Even though it tingles and becomes numb for a while, they often do nothing and let the discomfort go away on its own. The problem, however, is that these are signs of carpal tunnel syndrome in Singapore.

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is an entrapment neuropathy condition that affects 3 out of 6 adults. You will notice that you are experiencing this when you suddenly feel a tingling and numbing sensation around the fingers or hands.

Another situation that will tell you that you have carpal tunnel syndrome is when you often lose your grip whenever you hold something. If that often happens to you, remember that you are not clumsy. You are just suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, which most of the time does not come back once cured.


What Are The Causes Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is the excessive pressure that the wrist experiences, especially around the median nerve. In the long run, swelling can form due to infection and obstructed blood flow:

Below are the contributing factors that may also causecarpal tunnel syndrome.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Besides the signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome mentioned above, here are the other ones you may experience and notice

Who Is Most At Risk For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Even though carpal tunnel syndrome can happen to 3 out of 6 adults, more women tend to suffer from this entrapment neuropathy condition. According to PubMed, women are three times more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome than men.

Nevertheless, anyone who possesses either one of the following is most likely to develop and suffer carpal tunnel syndrome.

What Happens If Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Is Left Untreated?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may not be a life-threatening condition, but if left untreated, it can lead to permanent hand dysfunction. That means you will not be able to move and use your hands as you used to before.

To prevent such a case from happening, consult a hand specialist in Singapore. They will not only let you know about the severity of your carpal tunnel syndrome but will give you treatment options that you can get to feel better later on.

3 Treatment For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Those people who are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome may get treated using the following treatments.

1. Home Remedies

When it comes to home remedies, they are the things you can do at home to relieve any pain or discomfort that you are experiencing. For carpal tunnel syndrome, you can perform these home remedies.

2. Medication

The next thing you can do to relieve your carpal tunnel syndrome is to take medication, which is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen.

Even though you can get this drug over the counter, you can guarantee the efficacy will be the same as the ones prescribed by a hand specialist in Singapore.

Before you purchase and take any medicine, make sure to consult a doctor. Carpal tunnel syndrome’s level of severity requires a certain type of drug, which you can only get once you get a prescription.

3. Hand Surgery

If doing home remedies and taking medication do not work, a hand specialist might recommend you to get a hand surgery in Singapore.

Do not worry about this treatment because you are only eligible to get a hand surgery if you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome for at least six months.

The said procedure works by making a small incision where a hand specialist will insert a tiny camera so they will see where to cut in the carpal ligament.

The recovery from hand surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome may last for months before you can fully recover. That is why before you do any physical activity that involves your hands, consult your hand specialist first.

Nevertheless, below are the common side effects of carpal tunnel syndrome.

What Is The Difference Between Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Trigger Finger?

Even though carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger are conditions that both involve the hand, they are not the same. You should know that a trigger finger refers to a finger, which is stuck in a bent position.

If you have a trigger finger, the treatment you can get in Singapore is to wear a finger splint. In some cases, you might need to take medication to relieve the pain and discomfort.

When To See A Doctor?

Since prevention is better than cure, make sure to see a hand specialist as soon as you notice some signs and symptoms of the carpal syndrome. Doing so prevents this condition from worsening and increases the chance of getting better.

To learn more about the trigger finger and the available treatment in Singapore, reach out to the Advanced Hand, Wrist, & Nerve Centre. This health clinic can explain and answer everything you want to know.

Contact Advanced Hand, Wrist, & Nerve Centre at +65 6592 5522 or leave a message on their website to learn more about them.

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