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Are You A Lover Of Social Media? Status-Saver-5in1 Is Your Jam 

Do you want to save the recent fitness video you saw that helps in burning fat? Or want the same dress you saw the celebrity wearing and posting on their Instagram account? Before, downloading videos from various social media sites caused quite a hassle without there being any easy and simple way by which you could do it. And, if you are looking for an app that allows you to save audio, video, images, and status saver web without any hassle, status-saver-5in1 is the only way you could do it. Whether from Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and also TikTok, downloading and saving statuses can never get easier. And, if that was not enough, it is free! 

Want to save a DIY tutorial on how to use mason jars? You do not have to search for any blogs or articles or even go online to watch online YouTube videos. You could replicate the idea by saving the tutorial with the help of this app. This is the first of its kind and as it allows you to download from 5 different social media sites, hence the name.  

Social Media Lovers Can Save Status Anywhere Anytime 

Social downloader is a boon for social media lovers and is an application developer that offers you the benefit to download anything. Instagram does not offer you to download videos all the time neither do Facebook, but you can do all that with just a few clicks now. The application is quite simple and user-friendly and is designed intuitively in a professional environment. Status saver web makes scrolling through social media and saving what you like quickly and you could directly view it on your gallery. 

Using this application is easy, even if you are new to the whole concept of social media but want this application to make things easier for you. 

Get On With Status: Saver-5in1 And Save Your Favourite Dance Routine 

If you are still fumbling or have confusion regarding how to operate the application, there is a small ‘help’ to guide you on how to download images, videos, and a lot more and enjoy videos and statuses without staying online. Social downloader saves time. What are you waiting for? Save statuses including videos, audios and enjoy them anywhere anytime without any buffering, poor internet connection. And, not to forget everything the whole application does not let you spend any dime, and you get everything you save from the five social media sites in just one application.

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