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Can You Cultivate Cannabis with Organic Soil?

Many people want to know if it’s possible to cultivate cannabis with organic soil. To cut the chase, you can. It is very simple and easy to grow in your home. Autoflower soil could help you accomplish healthy plant production. But you have to understand what works for what. You can take organic growing as a spectrum because presently, there are no rules and regulations in the cannabis business regarding what is authorized as organic farming. For starters, a natural modified soil medium is one of the most important steps to establish healthy, sustainable growth.

A sustainable and healthy organic potting soil for cannabis is important in cultivating a viable food web for microorganisms that will eventually help you keep your plants stacked with available organic nutrients. Some well-known organic soil amendments are earthworm casting, compost, kelp meal, pumice, reptile, fish emulsion, etc. These particles serve specific purposes in helping to foster an environment for microorganisms to live.

How to Grow Organic Cannabis

For a starter this might be hard, so you should meet an organic soil agency; there, you will meet an expert who will give you detailed information on all you need to know for a specific product. That way, you don’t guess the usage of Autoflower soil, or other products; you are told which works for what. Alternatively, you can use pre-mixed soil; you can get it from hydroponic retailers that provide potting soils. This system suggests that first-time cannabis growers, these products require less maintenance aside from consistent watering. 

 How to feed organic cannabis

One of the crucial things to consider in feeding cannabis is water. Do not use tap water on cannabis. Municipal water supply contains fluoride and some other bacteria that can kill beneficial bacteria in your soil.

There are many organic supplements that you can add to assist organic growth. They offer lots of privileges to the growing process. For instance, using aerated compost tea helps achieve many goals. They reintroduce microorganisms to the soil, and it promotes effective processes like eliminating diseases, battling with pathogens in the soil, and converting them to nutrients.

Safeguarding your soil with mycorrhizal fungi is another hack to grow organic that will pack your soil with extra punches. The relationship between your plant, fungi, and mycorrhizal can increase water and nutrient intake at your plant root. With just one sprinkle of dry organic containing fungi at the beginning of your planting. While some products such as Autoflower soil are good for your farming needs, it is best to seek professional guide on how to use them and on what. 

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