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Daycare Fundraising Basics

Daycare centers are a great place for kids to be introduced to formal education. Unlike elementary schools, daycare centers focus more on developing the social skills, memory, language, basic math skills, and reading of children. Thru daycare centers, children are introduced at an early age the concept of independence. Though daycare centers seem to be a place to learn with fun and excitement, many of them struggle to operate due to a lack of funds. The good thing is, there are many simple fundraisings for daycare centers.

On top of the list is the penny drive. It is one of the most well-known fundraisers in the USA. Materials used are simple and may come out from the recyclables. An old box, used plastic jar, or an empty PET bottle can be used as containers. Daycare students may be asked to put on some artwork for the containers to make it more attractive. Kids invite their parents to bring in some spare change to fill in the containers. A few local stores may be asked to join the daycare fundraiser by putting containers in their establishments to raise additional funds.  For the best preschool and elementary school fundraising solutions, visit

Planting some vegetables in your daycare garden can also bring excitement to kids and parents as well. Kids are known to love the outdoors and seeing their vegetables grow will excite them. A rototiller can be used to prepare the garden. However, this may cost the daycare center a rental cost. It would be economical if you could ask some adult volunteers to till the soil. This daycare fundraiser may take a few weeks until harvesting the vegetables to sell.

Doing some artwork to develop creativity is a daily activity for kids in the daycare center. There are some ways to raise funds using these artworks. One is to collect these artworks and put them in frames. You can get cheap frames from some local discount craft shops. You can also let children participate by making a collage out of small pieces of artwork. To run the daycare fundraiser, invite parents and families to an art gallery day. Ask them to buy the children’s artwork or you may charge an admission fee.

Children’s artworks can also be converted to calendar art. Calendar art is also a hit daycare fundraiser in the US. You may make digital copies by scanning the artworks. Upload the images to a free online calendar-making app. Now you have calendars to sell to parents, friends, families and other community organizations. If you feel comfortable using some candid pictures of the students, then you may use them as design for the calendar instead. Calendars are also a good way to advertise your daycare center.

Part of daycare learning activities is reading, and hosting a read-a-thon can raise a good amount of money for the center. The fundraiser is simple but it helps develop the reading skills of children. You may tell the students to ask family or friends to sponsor them in a read-a-thon. The pledge can be for every book a child reads.

Marathons create outdoor fun for kids. Hosting a marathon for a daycare fundraiser is an exciting way to get friends, families, and students together. Kids and parents can both join the marathon. Invite local businesses and organizations to extend support by making pledges. You can raise extra funds for selling t-shirts to be used in the marathon. Parents may test their stamina by running laps around a track. Kids may also join by bringing in their trikes, bikes or scooter to show off their wheels.

Kids love to watch movies and so hosting a movie night would be one of the most enjoyable daycare fundraisers. Choose a film that is appropriate for the kids. Kids may invite parents and friends to get more movie viewers. You can raise funds in two ways. One is by charging an admission fee for the movie and second is by selling some drinks and snacks.

Hosting a kiddie-themed bingo event is another enjoyable daycare fundraiser to organize. You may choose to buy bingo cards or print for free from several online applications on the internet. Using these online applications, you can customize bingo cards with kiddie design. This way kids will greatly appreciate the bingo game. Charge a fee for each card and again, to raise more funds for the daycare center, you may sell snacks and drinks to the players.

Bake sales are also great in showing off families’ special recipes. Parents are asked to donate by baking their best pastry recipe. Sell the baked goods and see the money rolling into your daycare fundraiser.

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