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Healthy habits: Hand hygiene hacks

Woman wearing face mask looking out over a balcony looking into a


Before the pandemic, not everyone fully considered washing hands regularly. Hand hygiene is the top of people’s agenda. Scrubbing your hands regularly whenever you touch any surface is one of the best ways to stop the spread of germs and avoid getting sick. If you don’t have access to soap and water, medical experts recommend the use of hand sanitizer as a way to keep them clean.   

There is a difference when you wash your hands with soap or scrub them with a hand sanitizer. The best option is to use soap and water as it removes all the germs permanently. Whereas, sanitizers can only help to stop the spread of germs. 

Let’s get to know hand hygiene hacks when you do hand wash with soap and water: 

If you’re sanitizing your hands with a sanitizer, below are some of the hand hygiene hacks: 

Washing your hands is a good way to stop the spread of infectious diseases. If soap and water are not available, make sure you always buy hand sanitizer that is gentle for your skin.


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