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How to make sure your Green Card Application photo can be approved?

The photograph is a vital part of green card application and as such, it becomes very essential to submit the photograph very carefully so that your application does not get rejected due to improper photograph format. It is generally seen that many applicants do not aware of the exact green card lottery photo requirements due to which 65% of the applicant cannot meet the green card photo requirements. Hence, in this article, we have come up with all the details of the green card application photograph so that you do not have to face any problems in getting the green card.

Your photograph should be in color and its size should be in between 1 inch to 1 3/8 inch i.e. between 22 mm and 35 mm. Most importantly you must submit your recent photograph and that should be taken within the last 6 months so that it can correctly reflect your current appearance. Apart from that, the photograph that you will submit with a green card application should have a white background. You should take the photograph in full-face view and should face the camera directly with a neutral facial expression and keeping both of your eyes open.

Another mistake that almost every people do is that they sometimes take the photograph wearing their uniform. But you should submit that photograph where you have worn the casual dress that you wear daily. However, there are some exceptions for those persons who always use to wear religious clothing. Most importantly you have to keep in mind that you should not wear a hat or something that covers your head or hairline. However, it is acceptable if you have to wear such a hat or head covering for religious purposes and you wear those daily. But you have to make sure that your full face is visible in your photograph.

Again while taking the photograph you should not wear any spectacles. Nowadays the Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) do not allow any type of eyeglasses on the photograph. However, it can be acceptable for a medical reason. For example, it may happen that the applicant has undergone eye surgery due to which he or she cannot remove his or her glass. In such a condition, USCIS may allow the applicant to wear the glass at the time of taking the photograph. But during such a case the applicant has to make sure that the frame of his or her eyeglass has not covered the eye or there should not be any shadow or refraction from the eyeglass that obscures the eye of the applicant. Apart from that, you cannot keep headphones, hands-free wireless, or any such items.

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