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Mark Roemer Oakland Shares Things to Ask Yourself Before Hiring an Interior Designer


According to Mark Roemer Oakland, home designing or remodeling can be a tough creative challenge. That’s why many people opt to hire an interior designer. However, there are a lot of things you need to consider when hiring a professional such as your budget and their expertise.

The Considerations

Here are a few things to ask yourself before you hire an interior designer:

  1. What is your goal? – Interior designing is not just about rearranging or buying new furniture and painting the walls of your rooms with a fresh coat of paint. Professional interior designers also offer services such as project management, design consultations, space planning, site measurements and assessment, and even purchasing or procurement.

Once you identify what you really need, you can balance aesthetics with function and breathe new life into your home.

  1. What is your budget? – It is crucial to set a strict budget for the project. Otherwise, the cost can spiral out of hand as you purchase new furniture or remodel certain sections of the house to fit the new style or theme of the design. Your budget would also decide how much you can experiment and stretch the timeline of the project.

Plus, you also need to discuss the budget with your interior designer to learn whether they charge a flat fee or on an hourly basis. An

  1. What is the timeline for the project? – Every project should have a strict deadline to make things more efficient. Thus, you should evaluate what would be a suitable timeline to finish the project. This is especially important if you need to dedicate your attention to other projects in the upcoming future.

Make sure you consult with your interior designer to discuss the timeline of the project and understand whether they can complete the project within the deadline.

  1. Do you have access to a suitable interior designer? – Every interior designer has their personal preference which may or may not match your requirements, tastes, or preferences. Thus, it makes sense to discuss every little detail before you hire them no matter how talented they are. The best way to get started is to look for professionals that have a good reputation or are personally recommended to you by your friends or family members.

However, the real test is to figure out whether they are willing to accommodate your choices in their project regardless of their personal preferences. Of course, if you are not comfortable making decisions and want to leave everything up to the interior designer, that can work well too provided you hire a really talented professional.

  1. Do you have some inspiration? – Without any idea or inspiration for the project, things may not turn out as well as you might expect no matter how much you spend money or pay attention to the details. Thus, make sure to browse a few Pinterest boards about fabulous interior designing work to spark your imagination.


Mark Roemer Oakland suggests you thoroughly inspect the portfolio of the interior designers that you plan to hire. Plus, you must check their credentials to make sure they are authentic professionals.

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