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PR for Startups

Let me motivate you by the fact that the startup scene is on. Unlike the old days, when a huge amount of finance and formalities were needed to start a business, your new business can take off from your garage or kitchen counter. The startup culture has grown tremendously in the past few years.

In Jan 2020, the most searched term on the internet was “how to start a business” in the UK only; 65% of adults in the UK wanted to start their own business in 2020. But another eye-opening fact is that most startups die during their first five years. The reasons are obvious; either entrepreneur is too excited that they don’t want to spend time doing research. They end up by creating a product or service with no apparent market. Let us introduce you to the startup’s guru, who will help you through the process of Marketing research to launching and finally scaling your business to the global avenues.

Startup Magazine is a platform where enthusiastic young individuals who want to start their business or make their tech startups go global will find everything they need to know. The founding team of Startup magazine has been on the mission of helping startups grow. The vast expertise in setting up global tech startups initiated the startup magazine mission to educate and guide startups, learn from their experiences and difficulties on the journey, and not repeat those mistakes.

The High-tech magazine is the online platform for hi-tech startups and innovation lovers. It will help you grow your tech-based solutions by promotion, connecting you to your tech customers, and listing in their first copy of the high-tech company directory is coming soon. The high tech magazine is on the mission of integrating the innovation lovers into the global high-tech industry’s solutions and trends.

The third pick is the cyber security magazine. The cybersecurity certification scene is the latest trend of the past few years. Any enthusiast in cybersecurity can find the best courses and certifications on the listings of the cyber security magazine’s listings, a progressive initiative of team startup tips. You can also navigate network security, information security, and cybersecurity without any hassle on the cybersecurity magazine.

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