
Do’s and Don’ts for Essay Writing in Civil Service Exam

Before sitting down to write an essay for the UPSC Mains Exam, there are a few things to attend. A lot of students make foolish blunders when writing an article for the IAS syllabus forMains Exam. If you want to write an effective and coherent work, you must first layout a framework. It is essential to know what to include and what to leave out while writing. The essential do’s and don’ts of essay writing might help create a well-structured and complete essay. Search for the best coaching for UPSC.


As an essay is constructed, you must have a delineated introduction, central body (description), and conclusion as vital elements of the article.

This means that the essay should be concentrated and related to the central issue and its facets.

If you want to write anything truly unique, it should be based on your thoughts and observations, not those of others.

Analysis framework:

  • Analytical framework- Exploring relevant dimensions with causation, points-counterpoints, logical evaluation, inferences etc.

When writing an essay, it is essential to maintain an organic connection between the concepts presented in each paragraph. To be more accurate, an essay’s development should follow a chronological progression from childhood to adolescence, youth, adulthood, and old age in an organic manner. When writing an essay, it’s essential to keep in mind that the points you’re making must be connected to the overall context and perspective of the subject matter.

It’s not necessary to number each component but rather to arrange all aspects so that the examiner can obtain a sense of direction and order from your work. You can also search for the best online IAS coaching.

Maintaining our arguments without contradiction or conflict is made possible by ensuring that our ideas are consistent and coherent.

  • When it comes to writing an essay, you need to show that you have critical thinking skills.
  • Appropriate quotation placement: Appropriate quotation placement at appropriate places adds impact, thrust, and value.


  • Avoid starting paragraphs with quotes or thoughts that aren’t your own: Avoid using quotations to build/ride every section. It is acceptable to include references at the beginning and end of the introduction and conclusion, or wherever you feel they are most appropriate and will have the most significant impact. But be careful not to overuse it. While it is OK to cite remarks and quotes within a paragraph to back up your point, it is best not to begin a paragraph with borrowed ideas or quotes.
  • It’s best to avoid lengthy introductions and jump right into the meat of the discussion.
  • Avoid grammatical errors:As much as possible, avoid errors in grammar and syntax.
  • As far as political and ideological prejudices are concerned, it would help if you avoided them: Rationality requires a lack of bias and discrimination and the ability to evaluate information objectively. Your essay’s logical progression and conclusion should be guided solely by facts, real-life observations, and accepted wisdom, not by your political or ideological ties.
  • Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. Remain grounded in reason, logic, and knowledge at all times.
  • The ideal approach to intellectual activity is balanced and sensible, so don’t be imbalanced and biased in your thinking. Although an essay should be analytical, draw conclusions and make value judgments (anger, revenge, and retribution should not be used), it should also be emotionally balanced and politically neutral (obsessions, fetishes, bias, prejudice, contempt and incredible views right or left should be avoided).
  • Avoid bombastic words: Ornamental words may work fine in some places, but the beauty of communication lies in simplicity.
  • There should be no need to provide text or references that are not pertinent to the topic or critical point.