
The Pre and Post Procedure Guidelines Of PRP Therapy

The PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is quite popular in Europe for more than 20 years that can effectively treat many bones and ligament ailments and injuries. The treatment is carried out by using the patient’s blood that has healing factors and helps a person recover from a cut or wound by promoting healing.

PRP process involves taking a small amount of a patient’s blood and spinning with a centrifugal force that separates the platelets from plasma and other blood components. This concentrated plasma is injected into an area that is damaged or is not vascular, which means the area that does not receive enough blood flow. The platelets’ healing abilities concentrate at the injury site. This helps in improving and speeding up the recovery process by targeting the injury directly as PRP offers long-term healing advantages.

Plasmolifting World is an innovative healthcare company started by Dr. Renat Akhmerov that produces the best PRP tubes for producing platelet-rich plasma. It is the company’s core product that has already been successfully used by a huge number of physicians across the world for various therapeutic purposes. The company focuses on developing methods and best tools like PRP serums, consumables, laboratory equipment, and PRP book to accelerate cell and tissue repair and healing.

Pre-procedure guidelines of PRP therapy

There are certain things to take into consideration before a PRP therapy session.

  • Stop taking painkillers, herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs at least five days before your procedure.
  • Discontinue taking any form of steroids at least one week before the procedure.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast on the morning of the procedure.
  • Drink plenty of water.

The recovery period after PRP

Recovery from a PRP injection is fairly quick as it often takes a few days of soreness followed by gradual improvement.

  • Anti-arthritis joint injections may cause some discomfort and possibly some soreness and swell for 3–7 days after which there is a gradual improvement.
  • For tendons, the soreness can be long and it may take up to 3–4 months before the benefits are fully felt.
  • For ligaments, it might take 1-2 weeks during which loose ligaments swell and offer better stability.

Post-procedure guidelines

On the day of the operation, the patient is advised to have some rest after their PRP Therapy session. They are advised to limit using of the injection area for the next two days but moving around is encouraged. This helps the joints to recover since the injection is absorbed by the affected area’s surrounding tissues.

There could be mild to moderate pain or discomfort in the injected area which is normal as the body starts healing and adjusts to the injection. Keep drinking enough water for better and fast healing.

  • Avoid applying ice or heat at the injection site for 72 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake.
  • Avoid taking bath.

Daily activities with mild exercises are to be increased after 4th week of the procedure. After 5th week of the procedure, physical therapy is to start for better healing and continued recovery.

PRP therapy can be a highly effective regenerative treatment procedure for treating various ailments and injuries. Just follow the pre and post-procedure guidelines for a successful PRP process and fast recovery.