
4 Things You Need to Know about Golf Turf

As a relaxing activity or a serious sport, golf is a choice for many. If you are a real golf enthusiast and looking for a game-changer, artificial turf might be calling your name. Practicing in the comfort of your own home not only saves you money, but it means you can give your game the patience and dedication it deserves.

If you want putting greens installed, synthetic turf presents an easy solution. Customizable, easy to maintain, and a real looker, an artificial putting green can make your golfing dreams a reality. Whether you are still considering the idea, or are ready to get your putting green installed, there are a few things you should know about golf turf.


Fully Customizable

Your iPhone isn’t the only thing that has advanced with technology. Synthetic grass has advanced a lot since it was first invented. Color, texture, and size are all customizable when it comes to turf for golf so you can get the look and feel of the real thing. Choosing golf-style grass for your putting green will not only give you the look and feel of a real course but the realistic roll and ball control. Want to add hills, sand traps, water, or surround your green with an apron? Utilize your yard to the fullest because putting greens are fully customizable to your yard and your practice needs.


Indoor and Outdoor Installation

The options don’t stop with customizing the color, texture, and size of your turf. Whether you prefer the outdoors or indoors, you can install your putting green practically anywhere. If cold winter practice doesn’t sound appealing, artificial turf installation in an indoor space may be a better option. Since convenience and accessibility are key to choosing and installing your putting green, it should be installed where you will use it.


Improve Your Game

They say practice makes perfect and that couldn’t be truer for golf. But fitting in time for practice between everything else can be a challenge. Not to mention trying to figure out logistics to head to the golf club and budgeting for expensive membership fees. Since synthetic grasses are designed to mimic the real thing, you can work on your game and then take your new skills straight onto the golf course. Just imagine how much more you can practice when the putting green is just out your back door.


Skip the Maintenance

Not only do natural lawns take a lot of care and attention, but weekly mowing on top of everything else cuts into your precious time for practice. Artificial turf takes the work out of maintaining your putting green, no pests to worry about, no mowing to get done, and no fertilizer to purchase. However, when considering your artificial turf keeping in mind that there is a “little” bit of maintenance is key. A professional refresher for your putting green can be just the trick to keeping it in pristine condition.

You can rest easy knowing that your artificial turf is a low maintenance, budget friendly alternative to natural grass.


Enjoy the Beauty

Not only does your putting green offer a chance to tune up your skills, but it can be it’s own beautiful landscape element. Whether you want your golf turf to be the focal point of your lawn or a nice companion, your options are limitless. The maintenance is limited and you’ll get to enjoy the great look all year long.