
What Kind of Brand Review You Should Have Now

The brand review is the document allowing to take stock of the evolution of the brand, with the various interlocutors concerned: product manager or brand manager, marketing department, communication agency, sometimes also with the general management of the company or subsidiary. The frequency is variable by quarter or by semester in general, but one can find monthly or annual brand reviews, it all depends on the sector of activity and the seasonality of the collections.

Why use it?                                         


The purpose of this tool is to take stock of the evolution of the brand’s performance in terms of image, reputation, sales volume, on its market and vis-à-vis the competition. It is also an opportunity to take stock of the situation with your communications agency.


The brand review is carried out regularly every quarter or every six months and brings together the players concerned. But certain specific contexts are able to provoke the realization of a brand review:

  • a crisis, either economic, or linked to the brand, as a faulty product, or linked to the group, as a social crisis;
  • the arrival of a new entrant who is shaking up the market.

How to use it?


Gather relevant market data to explain changes in consumption: uses, trends, consumer behavior, economic, social data, etc. on the one hand and, on the other hand, information on the competition in order to understand its strategies.

Carry out an inventory of the brand, in particular: its positioning on the market, its positioning within the brand portfolio, and reminder of the medium and long-term objectives. Deduce its strengths and weaknesses.

Specify the actions carried out or in progress: tests, advertising campaigns, street marketing, buzz, etc. Provide data on the brand’s performance with regard to the objectives set: reputation, image, market share in the target segments, etc.

Deduce the new actions to come: continuation of the planned plan or reorientation; reclassification of the budget if necessary; planning validation.

Methodology and advice

We are not born brand, we gradually become one, we can also stop being one. The brand review is an opportunity to take stock with your communications agency, it is important to invite them to this presentation.

The brand review includes the visuals of the campaigns, their budget, their planning and their results, it is a tool for communication as much as for analysis. One should not be at the expense of the other and vice versa.

Brand review is mainly used in the B to C sector.


  • The brand review is a regular meeting that takes stock of the brand and allows actions to be redirected proactively.
  • The brand review includes all the data on the brand, both internal and external, and allows for complete monitoring.

Select the cases or files

Collect the necessary documentation to inspect the cases or files you have selected.

This selection of cases or files can be carried out:

  • While you are delivering the service (as long as the characteristics of your service allow it).
  • Once the service is delivered.

Precautions to take

Stay synthetic and favor summary tables over a long speech: the brand review should not exceed 30 to 40 slides.